About JustLightsabers
Established 2010
JustLightsabers was established in 2010, and has taken pride in supplying customers Worldwide.
From basic toys to today's revolutionary neopixel technology, we really have seen it all.
Our love for Star Wars and Lightsabers in particular has never gone away, and we are excited to relaunch our website and product range.
We would like to thank our customers who have been by our side for many years, and we welcome those who are only just starting their journey.
Feel free to contact us anytime: HERE
May the force be with you....
Start your Lightsaber journey...
Replica Lightsabers
Iconic, screen accurate replica lightsabers as seen in Star Wars. Discover your perfect...
Unique Lightsabers
unique lightsabers
Toy Lightsabers
From children's foam lightsabers, to Hasbro FX Black series lightsabers, there's something for everyone. Discover...